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Why is it So Hard to Lose Weight?
Why is it so hard to lose weight? That is a question I see asked often. While many people may have the wrong idea, there are actually some simple truths that are difficult to understand. The first thing to understand is that a short-term attitude towards diet and exercise will almost always lead to failure. There are several reasons for this.

The first reason why it is so hard to lose weight is that we all possess an "all-or-nothing mindset." In this particular belief system, something cannot fail-we will lose our weight and that is it. No matter what happens, we will be happy because we have achieved our goal. This all-or-nothing attitude is what sets many people back from their desired weight. It also can cause serious health problems and even financial ruin if it gets out of control.
The second reason why it is so hard to lose weight is because of all the misinformation out there that can lead us in the wrong direction. We have all heard about how low calorie diets work and that is great. However, there is a lot of information out there that would have us believe differently. Many of the supposed experts on the topic will tell you that you need to cut out every type of food out of your diet. All of a sudden, you will not be eating regular food but will be eating nothing except low calorie junk foods.
Another problem with the all-or-nothing mindset is the way it keeps us focused on losing weight. Most people get so caught up on this, that they end up doing very little to burn calories. This is not the way to lose weight. In fact, doing nothing with regards to your weight will make it easier for the weight to return once you resume eating normal food. That is why it is so hard to lose weight by doing nothing.
The third reason why it is so hard to lose weight is because most people just do not take the right approach. Most just eat whatever they want and then go back to their old habits and way of life. They don't get serious about changing things. When you do this, you are destined to fail.
So if all-or-nothing thinking is keeping you from succeeding, what should you do? You need to adopt a more proactive approach to weight loss. If all you think about is not losing weight, you will never succeed. However, if you think about losing just a little bit, then you might succeed. Think about it like this: if all you do is try to stop eating all together, you will never succeed long term. You need to adopt an all-or-nothing mindset when it comes to losing weight, otherwise it won't happen.
Here's a good way to adopt an all-or-nothing mindset when it comes to weight loss: If you think about how much weight you would have to lose in order to be happy, then just picture yourself losing that amount of weight. Think about it for a second. If all you do is continue to eat all the calories and fat that you want, then you are doomed to be overweight and miserable. However, if you can imagine yourself losing just a few pounds, then you have a better chance at being able to maintain a healthy weight and be happy. If you can imagine yourself losing a lot of weight, then you are half way there in adopting an all-or-nothing attitude when it comes to dieting.
So if you are asking yourself "Why is it so hard to lose weight? ", think about how many extra calories and fat you are taking in every single day. Then stop consuming those foods and turn your attention to fruits and vegetables. By doing this, you will be taking steps in the right direction and you will soon find yourself being able to sustain a healthy weight after stopping your binge eating.
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